Saturday, 20 September 2014

7 Common Reasons Men Are Getting Rejected By a Woman

By on 06:50

7 Common Reasons Men Are Getting Rejected By a Woman
Getting rejected by a woman is hard for most men to deal with. And it’s one of the main reasons they are single for much longer than they want to be. If you’re not able to handle rejection, you’re not going to be successful at meeting women and will probably never end up in a relationship with an intelligent, beautiful, amazing girlfriend.
Because it’s that important I made a list of 7 common reason men are getting rejected by a woman, enjoy:

1. The stalker mistake
If you see a beautiful woman sitting there, it’s in your nature to be look at her frequently. You then start thinking about how you’re going to approach her and what you’re going to say… In that process you stare even more at her.
Because you’re afraid you kill about an hour this way before you actually go over there and approach her…
She’s been noticing you staring all the time, looking like a stalker to her. She’s going to feel creepy about it and will blow you off because of this.
So make your approach immediately, if you want to avoid getting rejected by a woman you’re interested in.

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About Manuel Arnolds

I'm Manuel Arnolds. A passionate and professional web developer. This blog is devoted to bringing out news, tips and much more concerning celebreties, personal development and much more. Please keep in mind that any information displayed here may or may not be true at the time of release as many of our sources are from interviews with people. Please inquire for more information before placing judgements.


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