This whole Castro incident don’t add up, neither does it make sense as to why someone drowned and his body can’t be found anywhere. The whole Castro’s issue has been a mystery. People are making fun of it whilst others are mourning their missing brother and friend.
All the spiritualists and fake prophets in Ghana have said their piece about the incident, news started flying around last week about how Castro has been admitted into a hospital in Togo. Truth is we don’t believe it but a reader sent us this report which bears the Ghana Police logo which makes us think, could it be true that Castro indeed is in Togo?
Source : OMGGhana
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About Manuel Arnolds
I'm Manuel Arnolds. A passionate and professional web developer. This blog is devoted to bringing out news, tips and much more concerning celebreties, personal development and much more. Please keep in mind that any information displayed here may or may not be true at the time of release as many of our sources are from interviews with people. Please inquire for more information before placing judgements.