Friday, 20 June 2014

Woman Conceives a Lizard In Indonesia

By on 06:41

Debi Nubatonis, 31,the woman in the picture has been acused of being a witch by many angry people for giving birth to a lizard.

After  carrying what was expected as a baby for eight months,
she conceived a gecko sending Indonesian officials into a state of wander. As a result, an exert team was sent to uncover the mystery.

The Indonesian scientists in the team though in disbelief, as the incident was clearly unscientific proceeded with their investigations with the sole purpose of coming up with a scientific explanation.

The alleged lizard birth happened in May in the remote Oenunto Village where a midwife who claimed she went to deliver a baby for a woman who did not have time to get to the hospital alleged that instead of a child, a lizard had been born.

The accusations led to many locals threatening the woman and her family. They were accused of witchcraft and that quickly led to hysterical debate on the internet.

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I'm Manuel Arnolds. A passionate and professional web developer. This blog is devoted to bringing out news, tips and much more concerning celebreties, personal development and much more. Please keep in mind that any information displayed here may or may not be true at the time of release as many of our sources are from interviews with people. Please inquire for more information before placing judgements.


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