Monday 10 February 2014

Pastor Caught On Top Of Married Woman At A Hotel

By on 23:47

This so called Pastor was caught enjoying himself at a hotel with another man’s wife. The husband of the woman at the centre of the controversy couldn’t control himself as he immediately pounced on the Pastor with slaps and punches.
According to information gathered from locals, The Pastor has been dating most of the beautiful ladies at his church until he was recently exposed. This shocking incident took place in Kenya.
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About Manuel Arnolds

I'm Manuel Arnolds. A passionate and professional web developer. This blog is devoted to bringing out news, tips and much more concerning celebreties, personal development and much more. Please keep in mind that any information displayed here may or may not be true at the time of release as many of our sources are from interviews with people. Please inquire for more information before placing judgements.


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