Thursday, 20 November 2014

Findout Reasons Why He/She Could End The Relationship

Findout Reasons Why He/She Could End The Relationship
Once emotion is mentioned, the general assumption is that this term (or issue) is synonymous with women. This is not necessarily so. Both men and women have a need to feel loved and emotionally connected to their partners. While women are unique creatures and require a lot of emotional support, the men also have emotional needs that should be met. Most men are more controlled and don’t usually have issues centered on emotions, but their disinclination to showing or appreciating emotions could make them seem cold or unfeeling and thus, create issues in relationships.

You have to connect with your partner’s emotional needs on some level. Women are very attached to their emotions and that’s just nature (or hormones, if you wish). They want their men to be supportive and understanding of them. They want to ‘feel’ their men even when they are not together physically. So the men have to figure out ways to engender these feelings.

It helps if the men can learn to talk to their women. That is one level on which you can connect emotionally. Find common grounds to discuss irrespective of age, interests or status. Learn to talk about your feelings too. Women find it easy enough to talk, so for them, talking is not really an issue. What may be an issue is what they talk about. Men will appreciate and respond to meaningful conversations, not just trivia.

If you are in a relationship, ask yourself this question: ‘Who is my best friend?’. I am quite certain that some people have best friends who are not their partners. Have you ever wondered why this is so? Do you think that is ideal?

Your partner should be your friend; the best of them. You will find out that if you can connect on that level, the issue of emotional support will be addressed. Sadly, many people reason that boyfriends/girlfriends will come and go, but best friends will always be there. That’s why they believe that that partners and best-friends are antonyms.

If you are unable to meet the emotional needs of your partner, it is very likely that he/she may look elsewhere for companionship. Simply put, he/she will look for emotional support from a better or best friend while you remain the good friend whose relationship may end up on the rocks.
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Understanding Women – Why You Need To Be Sensitive With Women And How

Understanding Women – Why You Need To Be Sensitive With Women And How
Understanding women is one of the most daunting tasks for men, and it’s not a trend that just started in the 21st century.

The truth is, understanding women has always been a challenge for most men since the day of dawn, because men are created with very different mentalities from women. And because this fact will never change, understanding women will always have to be a skill that has to be learnt by men. One of the best things you can do to understand women is to learn how to be sensitive with them, and that begins by first understanding why being sensitive with them is important in the first place.

Else, you’ll never appreciate this aspect of understanding women.
There are many reasons, but the main reason would be that when a woman wants to consider a man to date, his sensitivity toward her matters a lot. In fact, if a woman can’t see any sensitive sides to you, she is going to be put off.
So in short, if you aren’t sensitive with them, it’s going to be a huge challenge to find a partner in life.

Next, what exactly is being sensitive in a lady’s point of view? This is going to be important because you want to make sure you do what’s right and not what’s wrong.

Simply put it, being sensitive toward women means being responsive to her, and to the things around you that matter to her. It’s having a general sense of knowing what’s going on in her life.

For example, if a lady makes a casual remark that she hasn’t got time to get dinner because she’s busy in the office, buying dinner for her voluntarily is going to leave an impact on her.

And to go one step further, even if it’s a simple dinner takeaway, if it’s something that caters to her likings, the impact left will be much deeper. Because not only did you show that you were aware she couldn’t get dinner, but you showed you knew what she liked to eat.

Are you getting how being sensitive is like in understanding women? What else can you do?

To be honest, there are 101 things you can do for women to show your sensitive side. And because every woman is different, what you can do for a lady of your dreams can vary. However, remember that the same principle applies. Be aware of things that concern her, and do them when the opportunity arises.

And like I said before, there are many things you can learn with regards to understanding women, but one thing you must learn about is sensitivity. Get that right and you’ll do well when flirting with women and asking them out for dates.
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Source: Corey Edward
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3 Tips On How To Find The Right Girlfriend

3 Tips On How To Find The Right Girlfriend
For every guy out there, there will come a day when he will need to step out and learn how to find the right girlfriend to share his life with, and chances are, if you’re reading this right now, you are indeed beginning to learn how to find the right girlfriend.

Or maybe, you’ve been looking around for a while now, but you have no luck in meeting your Miss Right. And to make matters worse, you don’t even know why you don’t have any luck finding her. I’ve got great news.
Learning how to find the right girlfriend is easy, and I have 3 tips below just to prove to you how easy it can be.

But I must warn you. The tips below might not sit well with everyone, but in my opinion, they are crucial if you want to start learning how to find the right girlfriend.

Tip 1 – Know What You Want.
Do you know what your Miss Right is like? Do you know what kind of girl you’re looking for?
It’s strange, yet true. A lot of guys I know want to look for their Miss Right. But yet, when asked, almost none of them could specifically tell me what they really want.

Or, they have a rough idea of what they want, but they aren’t specific enough.
No wonder their Miss Rights don’t appear. They can’t even identify them!
Don’t let that happen to you when you’re learning how to find the right girlfriend. It helps to jot down on a piece of paper and be specific about what you want in your Miss Right. Else, she will never be able to appear in your life.

Tip 2 – Manage Your Expectations
Perhaps, you really know what you want in a girlfriend, but you have set unrealistic expectations for yourself, such that she has to be perfect and not hurt you or make you unhappy in any way.

That my friend, will never work, because nobody in this world is perfect, even you.
Managing your expectations will be very crucial here, because even if you know the kind of girl you want, you can’t expect her to be 100% perfect that will always
conform to your requirements.

A relationship is all about giving and receiving, and there will be times that she will have to put up with you, and you with her.
So if you’re always thinking that a girl has to be perfect, it’s time you manage those thoughts.

Tip 3 – She Has To Have Chemistry With You
This last tip is pretty tricky, because chemistry is a feeling that you will either have or don’t.

Which is why even if a few girls match your criteria for Miss Right, only the one that has chemistry with you will stand out from the others.
Chemistry is the one thing that will take your relationship far, so don’t discount this tip.

Are you seeing something? Learning how to find the right girlfriend isn’t as difficult as you might think it is. Use the 3 tips above, and I can promise you that you will easily multiply your chances of finding your Miss Right.
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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Top Ten Rules For A Happy Relationship – Follow These To Happiness

We all want that fairy tale story when we enter a new relationship. In the beginning it’s all laughs and giggles. We wake up every morning anticipating another day to see he or she’s face, or hear their voice.

No one gets into a relationship and thinks “A year from now it will change?” The fact of the matter is it does change; it’s up to you to save it. It’s not all rain drops and gum drops.
Most relationships fail because people are so quick to give up on each other over the littlest things when they’re not as happy as much as they were in the beginning. Relationships aren’t easy and I’m not going to pretend that are! When it boils down to it we all want happiness.

There are a lot of things you can do to save your relationship and keep it on the fast track so let’s begin. I’m going to tell you 10 things to keep a happy relationship, some of these tips maybe obvious, but if you were using them to your advantage you wouldn’t be reading this article right? So here we go 10 rules to having a happy relationship:

1. Patience -
Learn to always be positive in your relationship and practice patience. By patience I mean learn to comprise with
your partner even when you feel that you have none left. Be patient

2. Communication - One major problem in relationships is communication. Communication is one of the key things to keep a
relationship strong and going. Always express how you feel good or bad. Tell your partner and then discuss the issue and resolve
it. You will be amazed at how much you can learn from each other by communicating.

3. Trust - Let me just say this without trust a relationship will fail. If you are in a relationship you must have this. Don’t assume anything, always communicate like I stated in step 2.
Insecurity and jealousy is not safe in a relationship. Being a
mother or a father to your partner won’t work. If you have any doubts ask, but don’t assume. Trust your partner, if your partner values your trust then you shouldn’t be worried about anything trust me.

4. Friends - Be friends with your partner. Learn about the stuff he or she likes and take a liking to it. So even if you’re not really interested act like it. Be their buddy first, a relationship is not a job, let loose and have fun together you’d be surprised.

5. Spontaneous - Do random, unexpected things together. Surprise your partner with a night out or with random gifts or text or calls. Being spontaneous shows that you want to add excitement to your relationship and that he or she is worth trying new things with and for.

6. Space - No one likes someone who is always in their space. Give your partner space; you don’t always have to be together every day. Give yourself enough space to miss each other. Go out with friends from time to time. You don’t always have to be with your partner 24/7 it gets boring and that’s how arguments occur. Learn to miss each other.

7. Don’t Criticize - Never past judgment on your partner. You are their biggest supporter; learn to be there for them even if you
disagree. Agree to disagree for them.

8. Public Display of Affection – Showing that you love your partner in public means a lot to them. Grabbing his or her hand,
putting your arm around them or even kissing them shows them that you really love them and don’t care who sees and knows

9. Privacy- Learn to keep your relationship problems to yourself. Never let outsiders no your business and put things in your
head. People always have an opinion good or bad. Only you know what you and your partner have so no outsider can tell you
otherwise. Don’t put your problems on social networks many relationships fail due to social networks. Keep your private life off
the internet.

10. See the tenth rule in the video below
Relationships aren’t perfect but love is a beautiful thing so share it.
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Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Must Read – Oprah Winfrey’s Advice To Women On Relationship

One of the world’s most powerful women has a lot to say to women who are in love, married or in relationships…From the book “Oprah In her own words” by Tuchy Palmieri….Read and decide if she’s right..
Oprah says…
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can’t “be friends”. A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend.

Don’t settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don’t stay because you think “it will get better.” You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who have a bunch of children by a bunch of different women.

He didn’t marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.

You cannot change a man’s behavior. Change comes from within. Don’t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are. Even if he has has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.

Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else’s man. If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs.

You should not be the one doing all the bending… Compromise is two way street. You need time to heal between relationships. There is nothing cute about baggage… Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you. A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone complimentary…not supplementary.

Dating is fun… Even if he doesn’t turn out to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes… When a man always know where you are, and you’re always readily available to him ~ he takes it for granted. Never move into his mother’s house.

Never co-sign for a man. Don’t fully commit to a man who doesn’t give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

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Scared of being alone is what makes a lot of women stay in relationships that are abusive or hurtful: Dr. Phil says… You should know that: You’re the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he’ll miss out on a good thing.
If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he’s not the only one. They’re all watching you, so you have a lot of choices. Make the right one. Ladies take care of your own hearts
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Wednesday, 1 October 2014

PHOTOS: CCTV camera captures Castro in Togo?

Yesterday, September 30, I was going through my contacts on BBM and I saw an update by Ghanaian musician and actress Diamond mostly referred to as Ghana’s Lady Gaga. On her status, she had written “best news ever!!! Castro De Destroyer is Alive, Glory be to God for answering our prayers #ComeHome”.
Hiplife artiste Theophilus Tagoe popularly known as Castro and his friend Janet Bandu went missing at Ada on July 6 this year. We have read different reports about the two but none has led to the whereabouts of Castro and his missing friend Janet.
As curious as bloggers are, I contacted her to know what exactly she meant by her update in order for her to reveal what she knows that we don’t know. According to Diamond, a close relation to Castro has confirmed to her that Castro is alive. Who that relative is, Diamond was not ready to disclose.

Source: OMGGhana
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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Jackie Appiah Breaks Silence On World Cup Sex Rumor

GOAL.COM – The movie star is heading to the World Cup probing body today to clear the air about her sexual adventures with former sports minister Afriyie-Ankrah during the Mundial.
Ghana screen diva Jackie Appiah has been summoned before the Presidential Commission of Inquiry probing Ghana’s participation at the 2014 World Cup. The actress has been accused of sex escapades in Brazil with former Sports Minister Elvis Afriyie-Ankrah.

The good-looking screen goddess was one of Ghana’s ambassadors at the global football fiesta. She is also expected to tell the three-member fact-finding body how she got roped in as an ambassador and the role she played in the South American country.

Afriyie-Ankrah, who has already appeared before the commission, has denied the rumours, adding he was in Brazil with his wife.

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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Checkout the New ECG Load Shedding (Dumsor) Timetable

Checkout the New ECG Load Shedding (Dumsor) Timetable
Power consumers must brace themselves for 14-hours of power cuts during the day time.
This will reduce to 12-hours during the peak period for power consumption.
The Electricity Company of Ghana has finally released the timetable for the ongoing load shedding.
The PURC hinted that it would sanction the ECG if it failed to release the schedule today.
The ECG delayed the release of the schedule as power providers shutdown plants due to a workers’ strike in Nigeria.

The Public Relations Officer for the ECG, William Boateng in an interview with Starr News said although Nigeria has resumed gas supply to Ghana consumers must conserve electricity.

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Friday, 26 September 2014

GCB To Employ Joselyn Dumas, Peace Hyde, Vicky Hammah And Women With Big “Behinds” To Entice The Youth

GCB To Employ Joselyn Dumas, Peace Hyde, Vicky Hammah And Women With Big “Behinds” To Entice The Youth
There comes a point in once life where one must do things differently to push a certain agenda and that is what Ghana Commercial Bank seems to be doing right now. Since their re-branding strategy has received lots of criticisms for critics and the general public alike.

GCB has over the years been heavily criticized for having unfriendly tellers, not-so-beautiful and old staff and the most annoying and poorest service in the history in terms of banking in Ghana as much as they are the richest bank in Ghana. But it seems all of that is going to change as they have different plans.
Ghana Commercial Bank has for a long time been seen as the bank for old people. Any young person who saves with the bank is laughed at by his/her peers for being old school. They are normally called “kolo” or old fashioned.
Ghana Commercial Bank recently re-branded into GCB Bank Limited with a new logo and all but that move has been heavily criticised by the public and industry players as being a case of old wine in a new bottle. They are still seen as being a grown ups (oldies) centered bank and not youth appealing.

However it looks like the bank has a surprise for everyone as they have decided to employ heavily endowed women to help them penetrate the youth market and entice the youth to come do business with them. To help achieve this agenda, the bank is in the process of employing women like Victoria Hammah, Joselyn Dumas, Peace Hyde and a couple of other heavily endowed women to various capacities in their institution.

I know you are going like, seriously??? Yes, it’s true, Victoria, Joselyn, Peace and a host of other beautiful, heavily endowed women are just about to become GCB Bank Limited employees.

According to information from the bank, plans are far advanced to employ these women into various positions in the company to help drive the GCB for the youth agenda.

According to sources, an official of the bank indicated that the only way to attract the youth especially the guys, was to throw at them something they couldn’t resist. He then asked us;
“Will you resist if Peace Hyde or Victoria Hammah walks up into your company to advice you to come save or take a loan with GCB, definitely not right? That is what we want to achieve. These women are admired by both sexes for their assets therefore we deem it as a very good startegy to bring them on board our company to help push our brand and our youth agenda.
We have spoken to then and I can confidently tell you that they are also excited for this opportunity. They are not going to be GCB ambassadors, they are going to be staff of GCB, so don’t be surprised if very soon you walk into any of our branches and meet any of these women behind our desks serving clients. 
We just didn’t come to this decision to hire them, we did a feasibility study which cost the company around $2,000,000 to ascertain what the youth want and what will bring them to our bank and the report from the study is what we are implementing. The youth want to see fine, attractive, well endowed women and that’s what we are going to give to them.
These women are accomplished women and we believe they will add value to GCB Bank Limited.”
I can tell you that I can’t wait to sit in front of Joselyn Dumas as I open a GCB account. Guys, don’t forget, rush to GCB bank today cos biiiig things are going to happen there soon.

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Watch Video: Pastor Gives His Church Members Petrol To Drink

Watch Video: Pastor Gives His Church Members Petrol To Drink
A popular Pastor called Lesego Daniel was captured on video giving some of his church members petrol to drink during the Sunday service on the 31st of August 2014.
Apparently, the Pastor claims he prayed for the bottle containing petrol to turn into pineapple juice.. After praying on the bottle, he ask some of the church members to drink it…
This incident took place in South Africa.
Watch the video below:

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