Saturday 8 March 2014

Pregnant Woman Drives Car into Sea With Kids

By on 14:18

A Pregnant Woman was surprisely captured on video driving her car into the sea without any solid reason. Saddenly, she was with her three children aged 3, 9 and 10. Fortunately, a good Samaritan who was present at the time of the scene saw what was going on and immediately called the Lifeguards at the beach to rescued the woman and the kids.

 Report from the police claimed that when they tried speaking with the woman, she sounded incoherent and kept talking about demons chasing her. This condition may be psychological termed as Schizophrenia.This shocking incident took place in South Carolina, USA.

Watch the Amazing rescue mission below.

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About Manuel Arnolds

I'm Manuel Arnolds. A passionate and professional web developer. This blog is devoted to bringing out news, tips and much more concerning celebreties, personal development and much more. Please keep in mind that any information displayed here may or may not be true at the time of release as many of our sources are from interviews with people. Please inquire for more information before placing judgements.


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